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    Главная » 2008 » Октябрь » 31 » ОЧИҚ ХАТ
    Statement, attention - plagiarism

    To the international PEN-club
    To the executive committee of the Russian PEN-centre
    To the International Parliament of Writers

    Open letter

    Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen, I humbly ask your forgiveness for appealing to you. My appeal is not a mere method of self-expression or a wish to focus your attention on my person. I would like you to intervene into the situation and call on the conscience member of your Pen-club, Safar Bekzhan. Mr. Safar Bekzhan- Saparbay Bekchanov uses everywhere a different name. For example: member of the International writers union, member of the International Parliament of Writers, member of the international PEN-club. I would like to know to which of the above mentioned organisations Mr. Safar Bekzhan- Saparbay Bekchanov really belongs?

    In the near future I will be forced to bring a legal action against the above mentioned individual. I would like to avoid the situation when in the course of the judicial proceedings the names of the esteemed writer’s clubs, unions and parliament would be negatively associated with the name of the defendant. In case of confirmation or refutation of the defendant’s membership by someone from the above mentioned organization, I am certain that, improper action of Mr. Bekzhan will be a lesson for others.

    This present application is addressed to you because Mr. Safar Bekzhan- Saparbay Bekchanov is a member of your PEN-club. I believe that the actions of Mr. Safar Bekzhan discredit the name of such an esteemed club. Please do not regard this information as some kind of pretext for settling scores or a wish to wrongly blacken anyone. For a long time Mr. Safar Bekzhan was purposefully spreading deliberately false information, discrediting my honour and dignity. (Purgatory – secret maneuvers of the political emigration).
    With his actions Mr. Bekzhan contributed to the humiliation and insult of honour and dignity of the members of my family. Furthermore he began deliberately to infringe my rights and interests protected by the law. His actions contribute to the creation of a negative opinion about the PEN-club among the esteemed public.

    Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen, the members of the PEN-club, any infringement of human rights is disparagement, regardless his religion, ethnicity or political believes. Where there is no respect for human dignity, one’s own or that of another individual, there is the corruption of the moral and legal mutual relations between people. There, the society reverses back, to the age of the barbarians.

    Yours respectfully,

    Dr. A.Eshmanov-Naqshbandi

    В Международный ПЕН-клуб
    В Исполком Русского ПЕН-центра
    В Международный Парламент писателей

    Открытое письмо

    Достопочтенные дамы и господа, члены ПЕН клуба,

    Покорнейше прошу Вас простить меня за обращение в Ваш адрес. Мое обращение не является способом самовыражения или же желанием заострить внимание на своей персоне. Я прошу Вашего вмешательства в ситуацию (Заявление, внимание плагиат ) и призвать к совести члена Вашего ПЕН клуба Сафара Бекжана. г-н Сафар Бекжан-Сапарбой Бекжанов везде представляется по разному. Например: член Международного союза писателей, член Международного Парламента писателей, член международного ПЕН клуба, ПЕН интернешенел. Хотелось бы уточнить, где все таки состоит г-н Сафар Бекжан- Сапарбой Бекжанов?

    Ибо я буду вынужден возбудить судебный иск в ближайшее время в отоношении вышеназванного субъекта. Я хотел бы избежать ситуации, когда в ходе судебного разбирательства имена почитаемых клубов, союзов и парламента писателей были бы негативно ассоциированы с имененм ответчика. В случае подтверждения или же опровержения членство ответчика кем-либо из вышеназванных организаций, уверен, что неблаговидный поступок С. Бекжана послужит уроком для других.

    Настоящее заявление направлено в Ваш адрес в связи с тем, что г-н Сафар Бекжан -Сапарбай Бекжанов является членом международного ПЕН клуба. Полагаю, что действие г-на Сафара Бекжана дискридитирует имя такого достопочтенного клуба. Прошу данную информацию не считать каким - то поводом для сведения счетов или же желанием незаслуженно очернить кого - либо. Отнюдь, нет, г-н Сафар Бекжан в течение длительного времени целенаправленно распространял заведомо ложную дезинформацию, порочащую мою честь и достоинство (Хождение по мукам - закулисные манёвры политэмиграции). Своими действиями г-н Сафар Бекжан способствовал унижению, оскорблению чести и достоинства членов моей семьи. Мало того он умышленно стал нарушат права и охраняемые законом мои интересы. При этом у почтенной публики складывается негативное мнение о ПЕН клубе.

    Достопочтенные дамы и господа, члены ПЕН клуба, любое нарушение прав человека является унижением его достоинства. Вне зависимости от его религиозной и национальной принадлежности, политических убеждений. Там, где нет уважения к человеческому достоинству, своему собственному и чужому, разрушаются моральные и правовые нормы взаимоотношений между людьми. Там общество катиться назад, в эпоху варварства.

    С почтением,

    Др. А.Эшманов-Накшбандий

    Statement, attention - plagiarism

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

    Pursuant to the set forth below and exercising the copyrights in accordance with the current legal provision of the EU, the international law on the copyrights I suggest the following:

    1. Mr. Safar Bekzhan - Bekchanov Saparbay to officially apologise through internet mass media and acknowledge the deliberate infringement of my copyrights as well as the deliberate breach of document on recognition of my copyrights signed by Mr. Bekchanov Saparbay in 2002. (Safar Bekchanov, PEN International, address: Bekchanov Saparbay, Jardens Prélaz-4, 1004 Lausanne).
    EAND 1 , EAND 2. S. Bekzhanov clumsily and shamelessly attempted to reduce the author’s text compared to its published version. Despite that he copied several paragraphs and sentences, but he fully copied the original source text, which was not published from 2002. EAND 1 , EAND 2. Заявление, внимание плагиат.
    In addition to that in Switzerland he has registered an organisation under the same name "УзДемФонд", “UzDemFond” to which I do not oppose because any activity leading to the increase of wellbeing of the Republic of Uzbekistan and our fellow countrymen deserves best wishes. However when Mr. Saparbay Bekchanov (Safar Bekzhan), fighting for the establishment of the real democracy and constitutional state in Uzbekistan, standing up for human rights himself blatantly infringes those holly human rights, I refrain from any comments. I understand that every spoken or written word is usually a repeated word that is why I do not claim the exclusive right to the highest superiority. I just wish that when others are overemphasising themselves do remembers to observe the rights of others. Otherwise, their thoughtless or deliberate actions will find the appropriate reflection in their so called life.

    2. To all internet publishers who published the plagiarism under the name “UzDemFond” (author Saparbay Bekchanov) without mentioning the name of author Dr. A. Eshmanov to take notice of the plagiarism from Saparbay Bekchanov. I also propose to publish my statement. At the same time I request not to copy my blog materials without the prior receipt of my written consent. In case you cannot or do not want to implement my proposal please inform me in writing.

    Otherwise I would be forced to take the appropriate measures for the infringement of my copyrights and interests protected by the law. The cause of action is the deliberate actions and и inactions of Mr. Saparbay Bekchanov together with a number of internet publishers which currently continue to allow without my written consent to copy my blog materials ( CIASF & IARA Euro-Asian Economic Interest Group ©1989-2008. Any use, distribution, and/or reproduction of the materials CIASF & IARA is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the author.) entailing the moral and material damage. The appropriate probative evidence is attached.

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The above mentioned is a proposal. I take it upon myself to provide it to you hoping to receive a considerate and benevolent response.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dr. A.Eshmanov-Naqshbandi
    Жойлади: Маъмур
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